Training Materials
The various aspects of the Shotokan Karate that we practice can be found in more detail below. There are descriptions and videos available for many of the katas, techniques and applications that are taught in our classes.
Japanese words used throughout Karate training, and their English meaning. Tested in Grading events.
Basic Movements taught to all new students and includes stances, punches, blocks, breathing and more.
Kata is the key to Shotokan Karate. A series of set sequences of movements demonstrated in gradings.
The application of kata movements.
The shape a kata forms through it’s movement.
Ippon Kumite
Defending against single attacks. Demonstrated in all gradings up to 1st Dan (Black Belt)
Sanbon Kumite
Three-step sparring. Demonstrated in gradings from 2nd Kyu (Blue Belt)
Gohon Kumite
Five-step sparring, taught at two difficulty levels.
Jiyu Kumite
Free sparring, found in 5th Kyu (Yellow Belt) grading and above. Putting all the techniques into practice.
Naifu Waza
Knife Techniques taught to higher grades, and demonstrated in 1st Kyu (Brown Belt) grading and above.
Nage Waza
Throwing Techniques, hidden amongst some of our Karate Kata.
Dori Gatame
Grabbing techniques. Application and defence against grabs, chokes and holds.
Jime Waza
Choke Techniques
Iai Waza
Kneeling Techniques. Attacking and defending from a kneeling position.
Fukusu Kogeki-Sha
Defending against multiple attackers.
Ne Waza
Ground defence and attacks, not commonly seen in Karate.
Training Post, used to hone punching and focus.
Breaking Techniques, often demonstrated using wood blocks and tiles.
Fighting with weapons
Kyusho Waza
Using pressure points on the body to defend against attackers.
Ashi Barai
Learn how to sweep an attacker to the floor.