Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve tried to answer all the questions we get asked often here, but if you can’t find the answer to something then get in touch - see the Contact page for details on how.
Are there spaces available?
Yes. There are always places available as we don’t have any monthly fees and you don’t need to book on to a class.
How much does it cost?
The first session is always FREE then after that it is just £3 per person, and if you train in the first session there is no additional charge for the second session. You can either pay in cash or online.
What age can I start karate?
You need to be 4 years old or over to train with us, for safety reasons as we cannot have any children running through the class as they may get caught by other practitioners.
It’s also never too late to start and there is no upper age limit. Everyone is welcome to come and train.
Are you open over the summer holidays?
Yes, we train all year round and we only break up one to two weeks before Christmas and return the first Wednesday back in January.
How Long Does It Take to Achieve a Black Belt?
The time required to attain a black belt can vary significantly among students, as each individual has unique goals and abilities. Generally, the minimum time to earn your first black belt, assuming you dedicate ample time and effort to your training both in the dojo and at home, is approximately three years. This is because testing is conducted twice a year. However, it is common for students to take between five to seven years to achieve this rank. It is important to note that evaluations are based on your ability to meet the required criteria rather than being compared to other students. Karate focuses on self-progress and personal character development.
We teach Shotokan karate, which is identifiable by its club name Stafford Shotokan Karate; however, this is only one aspect of the practice. When considering karate, it's important to reflect on your personal goals. Are you interested in karate for fitness and socializing, for self-defense, or for competition? All of these are valid reasons for learning. At Stafford Shotokan Karate, our focus is on the traditional aspects of the art. We strive to pass on the knowledge of its historical roots to preserve the tradition of Shotokan karate and perfect its teachings.
We have entered competitions in the past, However, as a club we focus more on club karate and the traditional art of karate, rather than karate sport. Internally we host our SSK Olympic games where there are medals up for grabs.
I have a medical and/or Physical condition, can I still train?
Yes, you can train with us. Always seek medical advise first. You know your own limitations so just do what you can and don’t push yourself. as long as we are made aware beforehand, we can then also monitor your progress and the situation.
I have a wheel chair, can I still train?
Absolutely Yes, Karate is for everybody and we can adapt and accommodate physical disabilities so that everybody can enjoy this art.
Can I still take a grading if I am in a wheel chair?
Yes you can, the grading criteria will be tailored to accommodate your needs but still run along side the original guidelines for each grade.
What days do you train?
Currently we train on Wednesday’s 18:30 - 19:30 for children and beginners. 19:30 - 21:00 for grades and adults. See our calendar for more details on those classes.
Can adults come to the children’s class?
Yes, adults can come to the children’s class.
What do I wear?
If you are a beginner, then you just need to wear something light to allow for stretching easy or movement. it is recommended that a light t-shirt and joggers are worn, training is with bare feet. For more detail see What do I wear for Karate?
Can I wear shoes?
Generally karate is performed with bare feet, however, if there is a valid reason why you cannot train in bare feet, then we do allow martial arts shoes to be worn which are designed for use on mats. Any other shoes may damage training equipment, plus by training in bare feet this reduces injury of stepping on toes.
Do I buy the uniform and equipment from you?
No, we don’t ask you to buy anything from us. If you wanted to obtain a Gi to train in, then we recommend that you buy this yourself. This would also include belts after a grading.
The only thing that we provide is breast plates and vests for those that require them, and merchandise that we sell such as the club T-shirts, mugs and pins.
Where can I buy a Gi?
As a beginner, the best place to look for a Gi would be on Amazon as they are not that expensive and would be suitable for a beginner or a child.
Can parents watch?
Yes, parents can watch, and we insist that you stay for the session, as you are responsible for your child.
My grade is not part of your syllabus, where do I stand in class?
You can read about how other karate association grades compare to our club in the Syllabus Comparison page.
do you teach weapons?
Shotokan Karate is an empty handed martial art. However, there are Kata and techniques designed to defend against weapons, such as the Jo and Bo, knives and many more. Due to this connection, we have instructors that teach basic uses for some of the Okinawan and Japanese weapons. Tuition includes basic grips, holds, blocks, strikes, swings and Kata, as well as disarming techniques for these weapons.
can i buy martial arts weapons?
You must be over 18 years of age and a practicing Martial artist to purchase training weapons.
Use of Martial arts Training Weapons can involve serious risk, including injury, disability and even death.
Weapons that are sold are for display purpose and/or for Kata training, for demonstrating techniques and forms ONLY.
Always ensure strict professional supervision.
Regulary inspect the item to ensure perfect condition before use.
NEVER use weapons for contact sparring. - User assumes all risk of injury