All karateka must spend some time learning Kihon (basic movements) before they start more complex aspects of Karate. During this time, we suggest that you don’t buy a Gi until you have decided whether Karate is for you.
All new students will begin with direct instruction from a black belt, so that within the four weeks they will have covered these fundamentals.
Rei (Bowing)
Entering and leaving the Dojo, being invited on and off the Tatami (mat) and bowing to each other to formally start and end the class from Seiza (kneeling).
Obi (Belt)
Presentation is important, so all students will be shown how to tie their Obi (Belt).
Dachi and Kokyu (Standing and Breathing)
This includes the two formal stances used for bowing (heisoku dachi, musubi dachi) and two informal stances used for the ready position (heiko dachi, hachiji dachi).
We then teach the five fundamental stances:
This video shows the five fundamental stances, as well as the the two formal stance used at Stafford Shotokan Karate
Once these have been taught we explain breathing as we start to move, and the use and understanding of kiai, as a distraction, breathing technique and an embodiment to power.
Uke (Blocking)
Six fundamental blocks (gedan barai, chudan uchi uke, soto uke, shuto uke, jodan age uke and juji uke) are covered and integrated with the five main stances.
Zuki (Punching)
How to make a fist and punch correctly, where to aim and links between punching stances and breathing.
Geri (Kicking)
Explaining the types of kicks in karate, how to perform the kicks correctly and which areas of the foot are used for each kick.
Ukemi (Break Falling)
Learning how to break fall to protect yourself if swept. Front, back, sides and rolling are taught.