How Grading Works
Grading Day
On the grading day whether it is your first time or your 10th time, the same rules apply to everybody.
The grading starts off exactly the same as a normal class with the traditional bow, warm ups and stretching before lining up to bow and take your seat at the side of the dojo waiting for your turn with everybody else. During this time there is no talking, running or walking around.
What do I need to do?
When it is your turn to show the instructors what you have learnt, the instructors at the table will call your name. First of all, you will stand up and bow from where you are and then walk to the center of the dojo and face the instructors.
The instructors will stand up from behind the table and bow to you to acknowledge that your grading has started. From here the instructors will ask you to perform specific criteria for the grade you will be aiming for. (Please see Our Ranks section under the Grading heading).
If the instructors feel that you have done more than enough other criteria may be asked for.
Once all your criteria has been completed for your grading the instructors will stand up for behind the table again and bow to acknowledge the end of your grading. You will then go and sit back down and wait until the last person has finished their grading before the instructors reveal the results.
Once everybody has completed the grading and the instructors have made their decision regarding the students’ grades, then one by one you will be called to the front of the dojo and your grade will be announced.
Please bow and come and collect your license with your new grade and certificate and join the line up again.
Feedback will be provided at the following Wednesday session about your grading.
The grading is an event for the whole class, and you are expected to stay for the duration, if you leave early, then your grade will be void and you will not progress.
*Please note that once you have received your new grade, you MUST be wearing your new grade within three weeks of receiving it, otherwise your grade may be forfeited and you will be asked to return to your previous grade, and licences will be amended to reflect this.
Remember, you have Earnt it, wear it.
Exam Scoring
Generally the criteria is marked as follows:
Kyu Grades
Kihon Terminology 5%
Kata 50%
Ippon Gumite 20%
Sanbon Gumite 10%
Knife techniques 10%
Jiyu Kumite 5%
*The percentage of the marks will vary depending on what grade your are training for as some criteria is not required for lower grades.
Dan Grades
For 3rd Dan upwards Bunkai is required and the grading is marked as follows:
Kata 50%
Bunkai Knowledge 20%
Bunkai Demonstration 20%
Jiyu Kumite 10%