Kata is the key to Shotokan Karate. Everything that you do in Karate comes from your Kata. This is why in our gradings, Kata are worth over 50% of the final exam mark.
Shotokan Kata
We focus on the 10 kata below as we move through grading from white to black belt, although there are in fact 26 different Shotokan Kata.
Heian Shodan - Peaceful Mind - Level 1
Heian Yondan - Peaceful Mind - Level 5
Jitte - Ten Hands
Bassai Dai - To Penetrate a Fortress Major
Heian Nidan - Peaceful Mind - Level 2
Heian Godan - Peaceful Mind - Level 5
Tekki Nidan - Horse Riding - Level 2
Heian Sandan - Peaceful Mind - Level 3
Tekki Shodan - Horse Riding - Level 1
Empi - Flying Swallow
Full Shotokan Kata List
This guide shows you the name of all the katas (in English and Japanese), how many movements there are, and the position of the first and second Kiai in each.
* Kanku Sho – The second Kiai can either be on move 32 or 50 depending on your association.
** Wankan - This kata only has one kiai.
*** The Gojushiho katas may vary in which kata is classed as Dai and Sho as again depends on association.