Foot Sweeps
Ashi barai
All styles of Karate have many ways to defend against an opponent, with blocks and countering attacks such as strikes, kicks and punches, but Karate also has ways of taking down your opponent by utilising joint locks and wrist locks. However, you can also use Ashi Barai or Ashi Harai.
Ashi means foot or leg and Barai/Harai means sweep. This is the area that we target to take down the attacker.
Many students that I have spoken to in the past that have come from other clubs have said they don’t learn sweeping techniques, or they are expected to know them without the correct training and it is a shame that this is not taught more often.
In karate there are many ways to sweep an attacker by being at various positions around their body. The techniques can cross lines between want is classed as a sweep, takedown or throw but generally the basic rules apply as follows.
Sweep (Ashi Barai)
A sweep is when you take the attacker down by using your foot or leg.
Takedown. (Orosus)
A take down is when you apply any sort of hold to bring the attacker to the floor which are very similar to those techniques used in Aikido.
Throw (Nageru)
A throw is when you have control of the attackers wrist, arm, collar or waist and you use your own arms and hips to bring the attacker to the floor, As in Judo.
Areas of the foot used to sweep
There are many ways in which you can sweep an opponent, but there are only a few areas of the foot that make contact.
1. From the top of your heal to the top of your calf.
2. The sole of your foot.
These two methods are used when taking away the foot or lower leg of the attacker. You can also use the thigh area to also takedown the attacker depending on where you are positioned around their body.
Areas of contact
When sweeping the attacker to the floor, where you are positioned will determine what part of teh leg or foot you use. the general contact areas are.
Calf to calf
Sole of the foot to calf
Calf to shin
Thigh to thigh
When practicing sweeps for the first time there are two simple rules to follow. If you are the attacker and you are about to be swept, firstly lift your toes up. this will stop your foot rolling forwards on impact causing potential damage to your toes. Secondly when your partner is about to sweep your leg, Never lift your leg to avoid the contact as this may cause your partner to pull their groin or any other muscle as they are expecting to hit your leg with force, and by moving your leg, this may cause them to lift their leg higher of further than intended, which may result in injury.
Key points to remember
To successfully sweep our opponent / training partner we need to consider the following.
You must have a strong base.
Break the attackers balance.
Make contact with the right part of the foot / leg.
Timing is essential for sweeps
Commit to the sweep don’t stop once you hit the leg keep your leg moving through.
Think about the finish, where will the attacker land.
Repeat until you have good technique.