What to Wear
As with any sport, uniform is important, and each sport whether this be football, basketball, Swimming etc, has their very own sportswear and equipment that is appropriate for the activity that is being participated in.
The Martial Arts sector is no different. Every martial art has its very own equipment and very own unique uniform.
For Karate, yes you will need a uniform, and this is referred to as a Dogi or Gi. The Gi consists of one pair of Zubon (trousers), one Uwagi (jacket) and one Obi (belt).
The type of uniform you buy must be specific to karate as people have come to a karate class wearing the wrong uniform and have bought a Judo Gi instead of a Karate Gi. As a beginner, it is easily done as they look the same, however they are very different.
Karate Gi
Judo Gi
As you can see, both Gi look similar, However, when you zoom in on the Judo Gi you can see that there is extra material on the knee section and the pattern of the Gi jacket is also different and is a lot thicker, this is to help the Gi last longer as this is being constantly pulled and is also being rubbed on the floor, so this Gi needs to have stronger material.
Where can I buy a Gi
The best place to search for a Gi is on Amazon. They have a wide range of Gi available such as Spirit / Blitz / Cimac / Kwon. However, If you are a keen martial artist and you are looking for a new Gi then any martial arts supplier is your best option.
Why are there different thicknesses of Gi and does it matter?
The thickness of a Gi is down to personal preference and how much you will be training. With the thickness of the Gi comes the added weight which you need to think about. As a thicker Gi may restrict your movements and may slow you down.
What brand of Gi should I choose?
The brand of a Gi is not important at all, as long as you are comfortable in the Gi.
Certain brands have nothing to do with martial arts and have no understanding of the art they are just there for marketing purposes. Whereas other brands are widely known in Martial arts. For a beginner any brand is ok, and for those that are keener on karate and are looking for a good quality Gi, then other brands to look at would be:
5 best Beginner Gi:
10 Best Karate Gi Brands
Kamikazi / Tokon
How much should I pay for a Gi?
The cost of what you pay for a Gi is again down to you and how much time you will be training.
Some Gi start off from just only £9 and then they increase to over £200. The choice is yours really, have a look online or visit a local martial arts supplier and see the Gi for yourself.
Does my Gi need to be WKF approved?
NO, your Gi does not need to be approved by the World Karate Federation. However, most karate tournaments allow WKF approved Gi and pads.
If you want to continue at club level and happy not to compete in competitions, stick to any of Gi you wish. If you are looking more at Sport Karate and entering lots of competitions, then Yes, you will need a Gi that is WKF approved.
World Karate Federation approved equipment will have this logo on the Gi, Belt, and sparring pads.