Shotokan Syllabus Comparison

Every Shotokan karate club has a grading syllabus for belts and may vary from other clubs, so as a guide, this syllabus incorporates other grades that are no listed on our syllabus.

Comparison of SSK grades and other Shotokan karate grades

It is very common to have students from other karate clubs training at other locations, but sometimes they may not know where in the line-up they should stand, as their grade may not be part of the other club’s syllabus, so the chart below gives you a rough idea of where you are in comparison to our club’s syllabus and ability.

Stafford Shotokan Karate

9th Kyu - White

8th Kyu - White with 1 Red Stripe

7th Kyu - White with 2 Red Stripes

6th Kyu - White with 3 Red Stripes

5th Kyu - Yellow

4th Kyu - Orange

3rd Kyu - Green

2nd Kyu - Blue

1st Kyu - Brown

1st Dan - Black

Other Shotokan Associations

9th Kyu - Orange

8th Kyu - Red

7th Kyu - Yellow

6th Kyu - Green

5th Kyu - Purple

4th Kyu - Purple 1 White Stripe

3rd Kyu - Brown

2nd Kyu - Brown 1 White Stripe

1st Kyu - Brown 2 White Stripe

1st Dan - Black