Oss / Osu - What does it mean?
If you have ever been to other karate clubs and or demonstrations, you may have heard the class and instructors use the term Oss. Osu as it is originally spelt is a general term that all karateka say to a sensei after the instructor has finished speaking or demonstrating in a class. The term Oss is pronounced “Us.” The responses I understand, please, yes, sorry and thank you are some of the words that this one term has meaning for.
When saying Oss, this should be performed in the same way as a kiai. Not from the throat but from the abdomen and felt from the heart. It should be spoken with passion and feeling. If this term is said with meaning and feeling, you will be more focused on the technique at hand, whatever that maybe and it should drive your spirt, allowing you to perform better.
Not all karate clubs say Oss or Osu. This is not a problem as most clubs refer to the original words for yes, thank you, please, I understand etc.