2nd Dan

Black Belt


(Basic Movements)

At 2nd Dan, no terminology is tested during the grading.


(Set of Movements)

At 2nd Dan, a minimum of 2 kata must be demonstrated to the examiner. The first One of these will be from Option A and chosen by the student. The second will be any from Option B and chosen by the examiner.

Option A

(Kata chosen by student)

Heian Shodan

The first kata, with 21 movements, focuses on stance transitions (forwards and backwards), punching and blocking. It is the foundational kata that all students learn first.

Heian Nidan

The second kata, with 26 movements, and introduces more stances (Kokutsu - Back Stance).

Heian Sandan

The third kata, shorter with only 20 movements, with simultaneous strikes and blocks.

Heian Yondan

The fourth kata, with 27 movements taking place in an I-shape, with elbow strike and kosa-dachi (cross-legged stance) being introduced.

Heian Godan

The fifth kata, with 23 movements reinforcing all of the basic stances, and including a jump towards the end of the kata.

Tekki Shodan

The sixth kata, focusing on kiba dachi (straddle stance), with 23 moves.


The seventh kata introduces movement that works with the bo (staff) and comprises of 24 moves.

Tekki Nidan

The eighth kata is set in kiba dachi (straddle stance) and works through whole body movements and grappling.


The ninth kata is one of the longer katas at 37 movements, including a 360 degree jump.

Bassai Dai

The tenth kata has 42 movements, making it the longest kata on a students way to their black belt, and demonstrates powerful techniques.

Option B

(One of these Katas will be chosen by the Examiner)


At 65 movements, one of the longest sets of movements.


47 counts consolidating all the basic movements of Shotokan Karate.


Focused on strong breathing teqhniques and explosive punches across 41 movements.


Careful balance and double kick feature in this more advanced kata.

Jiyu Kumite

(Free Sparring)

During grading, for 2nd Dan students will take part in Jiyu Kumite, which is a free fighting competition. At Stafford Shotokan Karate we focus on the martial art and traditional technique. Oppononents are decided by the Sensei, and of a similar level.